Loner (2022)
NFT Musical Adventure
Loner sets a New Standard for NFT Albums in the Region
"One of the standout tracks on the album is "Poplun mjesec," which features a haunting vocal sample by Mark Lannegan that adds a layer of depth and emotion to the already powerful track. Another noteworthy track is "Loner," which channels the experimental sound of Burial and pushes the boundaries of electronic music."

Velimir Grgić
Loner as Music Video Album
Besides stunning artwork by Sensus Design Factory, the most impressive aspect of “Loner” is the 12 music videos that accompany each track. Plazmatick collaborated with free online video sources to create a stunning visual experience that perfectly complements the music. The videos are a testament to the power of creative collaboration and show how technology can be harnessed to create something truly unique.
Sensus Design Factory
Singular NFT project
Album is published as Standard and Premium NFT in partnership with platform Singular.app
Produced by Plazmatick (2019-2022), Cover by Sensus Design Factory, Mastering by Liquid Mastering